[Reposted from the RSC Mailing List]
Posted by Kia K Jul 21 09:18AM -0700
Please pass this survey around, it’s about a possible revised Step study guide. We are embarking on this survey so that the World Board can hear from the wide world of NA about what members want, need, and don’t want in new or revised Step working material.
Why Are We Doing This?
Over the years, the Fellowship has discussed many different ideas about new or revised material for working the Steps. A number of those ideas have been prioritized in the 2018, 2020, and 2023 CAR surveys.
The 2023 World Service Conference had consensus on the focus for the new recovery literature project this cycle:
Step Working Guide (SWG) Literature
- If the SWG were edited and simplified, it could satisfy three of the prioritized Ideas [from the CAR survey].
These are:
- Step working guide aimed at members not new to working the Steps
- Step working booklet focused mainly on Steps 1–3, aimed primarily at new members and those in treatment and drug courts
- Revise and simplify the Step Working Guides