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GSR Report Form

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    1. Upload pre-written report:
      Allowed file types: doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, ods, odt, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, rtf, txt, xls, xlsx, zip | Max file size: 25mb* For larger attachments, please use a cloud service and paste the 'shared' link.
    2. (optional) Upload files?
    3. File upload:
      Allowed file types: doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, ods, odt, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, rtf, txt, xls, xlsx, zip | Max file size: 25mb* For larger attachments, please use a cloud service and paste the 'shared' link.
    4. (optional) Upload more files?
    5. More files #1:
    6. More files #2:
    7. More files #3:
    8. More files #4:
    9. More files #5:

    If you continue to have issues submitting this form, please manually email your report to reports@skcna.org.

    If you receive an error surrounded by a RED box, please email your report directly to: skcna-asc@googlegroups.com and then kindly alert Web Services here: https://skcna.org/contact/support-ticket. Thank you!
